
YELLOWSTONE TOWNSHIP McKenzie County, North Dakota


Adopted: July 26, 2012

Chapter Page
Goals, Objectives and Policies…………………………….
Public Facilities and Services……………………………….
Existing Land Use………………………………………………..

Yellowstone Township is located in McKenzie County, North Dakota.

This plan examines the physical and social characteristics of Yellowstone Township and the county in which it is located, McKenzie. It presents this information in the form of text. The plan is designed to help guide responsible land use planning and control. In an effort to keep this document a useful and applied tool, it is being kept to a limited size.


The Yellowstone Township comprehensive Plan is to be used as a guide on which the development policies and regulation will be based. The plan was used to help develop goals, objectives and policies. As conditions change, so should the plan. Being a flexible document, this plan will reflect the changing goals of the citizens of the Township. For clarification a “goal” is a broad general concept that the Township wishes to attain in the future. An “objective” is a more specific, measurable step to be taken toward achieving a goal. A “policy” is a general principle that guides the actions taken to meet the goals and objectives.

Four goals have been established. Each addresses a particular subject. They all work together towards providing guidelines to ensure desired land use in the Township. The goals, objectives and policies are:


Goal #1
Preserve the Township’s agricultural heritage.

Preserve prime farmland in an organized transition by using the land use controls provided in the Comprehensive Plan and its corresponding zoning ordinance when making all land use decisions.
Support farms by being active in legislation affecting agriculture and industrial usage; send letters from the Township Officers to state and federal officials involved in the decision.
Support agriculture and appropriate farm programs.
Support an equitable agricultural land taxation system.
Encourage siting public facilities and utility easements in locations which would minimize interference with farming.

Goal #2
Protect public health, safety and welfare by deterring incompatible land uses from harming, conforming land uses.

Refer to this plan to determine if land use requests are consistent with the natural resources.
Adopt a zoning ordinance consistent with this plan.
Use the zoning ordinance provisions to prevent incompatible land uses.

Prevent undesirable, incompatible land uses from locating in the Township unless they meet appropriate conditions.
Make land use decisions in accordance with this plan.
Deter offensive and incompatible land uses from locating near dwellings and communities.

Goal #3
Provide an adequate, safe, and efficient system for transportation of people, goods and services.

Provide, as fiscally possible, well maintained roads for all mail routes, school bus routes, and other routes deemed “high priority” by the Township’s elected officers.

Discourage developments which would create congestion and/or road hazards, or damage Township roads without compensation.
Encourage development to locate in areas served by adequate transportation facilities.

Goal #4
Ensure and maintain the public participation in land use decisions affecting the Township.

Maintain dialogue between citizens and elected officials by posting notices and by publishing public notices for all public hearings.
Create public awareness of planning goals and objectives by making this document available to the public upon request, and publishing a statement to that effect.

Give timely notice of all meetings and hearings.
Actively solicit public opinion about land use decisions.

Consider using citizen input when making public decisions.
Inform citizens of decisions and actions taken by officials.
Make public documents available for review.
Encourage education for officials and general public.

Public Facilities and Services

The Public School District

Yellowstone Township is located in the Yellowstone School District. The school district has approximately 90 students in grades K-12.

Fire Districts and Departments
The Township is served by the Sioux and Yellowstone Rural Fire Protection District.

Existing Land Use

The predominant, existing land use in Yellowstone Township is agricultural. There are farm and non-farm dwellings in the township.